5 Ways to stay productive if you are working from home

On March 11th, 2020, the WHO has officially declared the Novel Corona a pandemic. Thousands of companies have been forced to close and millions have been asked to work from home. While some may find delight in the idea of working from home in their pyjamas all day…let’s face it, we still have deadlines to…

Sanitise Your Carry

In the past week, the aggressive Novel CoronaVirus (Covid-19) has infected over 100,000 people all over the world. While efforts to control the virus in China have proven to be effective, the rest of the world is preparing for the worse. There are probably hundreds of informative articles out there educating the public on preventive…

6 Tips to survive a holiday with young kids

Planning a road trip with kids is not for the faint of heart especially if they are still little. But there are things you can do to help make your journey/holiday more pleasant. Check out these tips!

Does your wallet “Spark Joy” in your life?

Did you know that according to the art and science of Feng Shui, your wallet plays a big role in attracting wealth? So you mean you have to #KonMari your wallet too? The answer is yes.

Why we all need a “Go Bag” & where would you go?

I was just reading a blog and chanced upon the idea of a “Go Bag”. A “Go Bag”is basically your ever-ready, get up and go bag. I asked myself this. “When was the last time you did anything spontaneous?” And I’m not talking about spontaneously deciding where to go for lunch. I thought long and…