Our Story

Our Story

Our story began with a young entrepreneur’s dream to provide a platform for Malaysians to find some of the most unique bag brands from around the world. Whether it’s a bag for an important meeting, for hiking, for college or for the road, you would find it all with just a few clicks.

The dream then became a reality when Oribags.com was born. With hard work, dedication and honest work, we’ve grown to feature over 50 brands, 5000 products and have even expanded our collection featuring outdoor gear, accessories, wallets and gadgets too.

As we are constantly reminded to never rest on our laurels, we ask ourselves time and again, how else can we innovate and improve our service to our customers. After much questioning, we realize that as customers ourselves, one of the first things we do before we buy anything new these days is to check on reviews. And so, after studying some of the most successful sites and channeling wisdom from the Gurus of e-commerce, why not come up with our very own blog. Hence the brainchild behind BAGSOLOGY.

Bagsology Our Story Banner

BAGSOLOGY in a nutshell, is “A study on all things we carry.” In each review, we do our best to “dissect” the product right down to the point of unboxing. No, we don’t cut the product apart, but you get what we mean.

In our blogs, we believe in focusing on the positives. We share our honest opinions and offer suggestions to help you find the right gear or at least help you make the right decision on the gear that you are interested in.

We hope that you find our reviews on BAGSOLOGY useful and we promise to always find ways to bring you closer to your favorite brands and products through our blogs.

So sit back. Relax. We got your bag or in this case, blog. LOL!